Parent Resources

Here you will find details on current and upcoming curricula, teacher and volunteer profiles, costs, current events, and much more.


We are currently working on getting a firm amount set for an entry fee. At this time I think it's safe to say it will no more than 100$/semester/family.  I still need to get a few teachers arranged as well as add up out materials costs. Our Montessori teacher wants to purchase Montessori materials, I need art supplies for painting classes, and we have science lab materials to purchase as well. I originally quoted families 100$/year, but I'd rather overshoot and say 100$/semester and then (hopefully) give you all an exact amount once everything is decided. 

Weekly fee: Free! Except for classes where our teacher needs travel compensation. These classes are 5$/week/family.


This years classes (so far) that have a weekly fee: Chemistry

Please read below on how virtue will be encouraged during Co-op:

All students will be assigned to one of 3 teams. Points will be earned each week for acts of virtue, class participation, and carrying out responsibilities at home.